
Enterprise News

Professor Dong Ling, and other group members went to modern agricultural industrial park in Shibali town to examine on site the Chrysanthemum standardized planting demonstration base.

Addtime:Oct.25, 2015      Source:admin

On the morning of October 25(Sunday), professor Dong Ling, vice director of the Institute of Horticulture Academy of Agricultural Sciences, doctor Li Weiwen, assistant research fellow, and researcher Wang Jingcai, director of the Municipal Agricultural Technology Promotion Center, and other group members went to modern agricultural industrial park in Shibali town to examine on site the Chrysanthemum standardized planting demonstration base. In accordance with light carbon nuclear zone, organic and compound fertilizer and contrast area, the expert group tested and carried out the sample comparison tests and recorded in detail the parameters, and issued the test report by the demonstration effect of Chrysanthemum.